
커스텀 스타일 적용하기https://nextui.org/docs/customization/override-styles Override stylesNextUI allows you to override the default styles of the components in several ways.nextui.org 모범답안    클론코딩 사이트https://pocket.tailwindui.com/ Pocket - Invest at the perfect time.Now is the time to build your portfolio. With typical market returns, you have to start young to secure your future. With Pocket, it’s never..
tailwind를 사용하는 이유 참고자료https://adamwathan.me/css-utility-classes-and-separation-of-concerns/ CSS Utility Classes and "Separation of Concerns"Software developer, author, and host of Full Stack Radio. August 7, 2017adamwathan.me     테일윈드 실습 사이트 링크https://play.tailwindcss.com/LJ9hNf9GMx Tailwind PlayAn advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS that lets you use all of Tailwind's build-time feature..
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